Ethiopia Akmel

Producer: Akmel Nuri

Country, Region: Ethiopia, Limu Kecheow

Variety: Ethiopian heirloom

Elevation: 1800-2200 masl

Process: Natural

Coffee Collective

This coffee is so clean it presents as a washed but don’t let that fool you. This is a deeply sweet natural process coffee with flavor notes of nougat, pecan pie and caramel that holds its sweetness to the last and coolest drop. Such a well-balanced, expertly processed coffee is still more rare than common in specialty coffee and should be held in high esteem. It reflects so well on the producer, Akmel Nuri, that this coffee is what some might call a perfect all day coffee. No funk here and it’s not a fruit bomb either, but a remarkable well made coffee that shines. Highly recommended.

On V60 and Kalita the flavor notes tended toward nougat, pecan and warm spices with a rich syrupy mouthfeel and soft lemon acidity. There were undertones of almond and cherry. When brewed on Origami with a V60 filter I was delighted to find peach notes, lemon tartness and pecan-nougat with a lightly syrupy body that was elegant and more complex.

Mary Halbrooks